Call for Papers


The European Association for Decision Making invites submissions for presentations, posters, and symposia for its 2025 Biennial SPUDM Conference, to be held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, Italy, from August 31 to September 4, 2025.

The conference accepts theoretical, applied, and experimental research, from fields such as Economics, Psychology, Neuroscience, Political Science, and more.

All paper and poster submissions must be made electronically via the  following links: 

Paper submission

Poster submission

For information on how to submit symposia proposals, please read below.

Deadline for submission is February 17th 2025 (Midnight of February 17-18, Rome time)

General information

All proposals will undergo peer review for selection purposes. Evaluation will be based on the long abstract but only the short abstract will be published in the program book. Those accepted for presentation will be notified by e-mail by March 2025.

Each participant can present only one paper, for those submitting more than one paper we will assume the order of submissions is also the order of priority (i.e., the first submission is the top priority).

Submissions of Papers and Posters

Submission should include: 

              Title of maximum 140 characters including spaces. 

              Names of presenting author and co-authors and their affiliations. 

              A short abstract of a maximum of 1800 characters including spaces (This will be posted in the program).

              A long abstract of a maximum of 4500 characters including spaces, specifying the aim, method, results, and conclusions of the research. 

              Please indicate if you would be willing to present a poster if the oral presentation sessions are oversubscribed.

              Oral presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for Questions and Answers. 

Submissions of symposia proposals 

Would you like to propose a Symposium for the conference?  Symposia will group either 4 presentations, each lasting 20 min (including 5 min Q and A), or 3 presentations followed by a 20 min discussion led by a discussant. 

If you are interested in organizing a symposium, please email the organizing committee at with the following information: 

Please note that only a limited number of symposium slots are available. 

Each presenter can present one paper at the conference. Thus,  symposia presenters cannot present individual papers outside the symposium. If a symposium is rejected each of the papers will still be considered separately as individual papers by the scientific committee.

Information about the Poster Session

Posters offer the opportunity to present data and have substantive discussions with interested colleagues. Presenters will stand with their posters while the audience circulates among them, stopping to discuss research, which might be of interest to them.

Poster presentations should incorporate illustrative materials such as tables, graphs, photographs, and large-print text; all material should be clearly readable from three feet away.

Like all other presentations, posters should represent a completed work. Please do not submit a proposal if the data are still pending. Posters that discuss new scientific findings are especially encouraged.

Submission for posters should include:

              Names of presenting author and co-authors and their affiliations, Aim, Method, Results, and Conclusions.

              A short abstract with a maximum of 40 words - This will be posted in the program, on the web page, and printed in the program book.

              A long abstract with a maximum of 250 words, specifying the aim, method, results, and conclusions of the research.

              Posters will be displayed on free-standing bulletin boards in portrait/vertical format. We recommend the poster size A0: 84.1 cm (width) x 118.9 cm (height) (33.1 x 46.8 inches). 

Poster presenters or co-author(s) must be present beside their poster to interact with attendees. Each poster is assigned a number that indicates where it should be mounted. We recommend preparing a handout explaining the work and making enough copies for distribution.

During the conference, the scientific committee will select three posters as the winners of the SPUDM 2025 poster award.